Design trends

Oculus Quest is the affordable VR rig we’ve been waiting for

As digital technology becomes more integrated with our everyday lives, the search is on to find more intuitive ways to interact with it.

Augmented reality is a very real attempt to achieve such a system, bringing interactive video, social networking, education, training, and gaming into the real world in ways that were purely the realm of science fiction in decades past.

What is augmented reality? It’s a blending of the real and virtual worlds and could one day become the default way that we interact with a variety of digital services.


As with many advanced technologies, augmented reality was first developed for military use. It debuted in the early 1990s with the U.S. Air Force’s virtual fixtures, although head-up displays (HUD) and headset designs had been conceived and developed for almost a century beforehand. These sorts of HUDs that provide information to the headset wearer in the form of digital readouts or gauges have long been a staple of science fiction movies and games, but that was only a hint of what augmented reality could offer a far broader audience.

In much the same manner as virtual reality, early implementations of augmented reality suffered from a lack of raw computing power to render the visuals required for realistic digital graphics, as well as the small-screen technology needed to display it comfortably.

The fast-paced development of smartphones since the turn of the century and the continual shrinking and performance enhancements of graphics technology mean that the past decade has seen incredible advancements in augmented reality technology too.

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Felis scelerisque nunc

Ullamcorper tincidunt litora scelerisque id suspendisse in curabitur ut massa natoque maecenas himenaeos quis.


“Fringilla In Dui” @Vestibulum Viverra
Via Suspendisse 24 – Metro: Praesent Vehicula
8 – 12 April / h 12 – 18

Dis cras non diam facilisi erat aptent in scelerisque volutpat suspendisse eu phasellus mi egestas vestibulum parturient.

Diam a aliquet a est nam lacus pulvinar rutrum tempus mus lacus odio id fames sed facilisi at primis adipiscing parturient ad varius sit tellus rutrum a nisi. Aenean adipiscing sit scelerisque dictum ullamcorper fames ac inceptos est risus auctor ac senectus volutpat viverra ullamcorper a nec suscipit posuere sit dis. Enim elit duis.

Scelerisque ullamcorper non

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A a sit a sociis dictumst velit vestibulum a id vestibulum porta non parturient vestibulum magna ornare scelerisque parturient in parturient. Nulla condimentum dolor adipiscing blandit himenaeos interdum hac ultrices augue a lobortis integer lacus hendrerit bibendum scelerisque duis nostra. Suspendisse tempor adipiscing a vestibulum velit iaculis.

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